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Artificial Intelligence


Our AI-Funds

ACATIS AI Global Equities

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ACATIS Global Value Total Return

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Artificial intelligence in asset management at ACATIS

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing many areas of our life; it is also something we are gradually growing accustomed to and are learning to appreciate. Through its ability to identify, remember and intelligently combine patterns, AI has become a tool that can be applied in many different areas. Similarly, the asset management industry is also poised to enter a period of upheaval due to the advances made by artificial intelligence, as the volume of good data (Big Data) continues to grow and computers become ever more powerful. And there are growing numbers of researchers, studies and concepts that focus on artificial intelligence. The technologies are supplied by large corporations such as Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook or Nvidia. Over time, the human brain will not be able to keep up with these developments, because its absorbing and processing capacities are limited. Therefore, ignoring artificial intelligence for the benefit of portfolio management would be a big mistake.

ACATIS Investment has studied artificial intelligence and its possible application in portfolio management since 2014. We have now launched three fund strategies that use artificial intelligence to select stocks and put together portfolios.

This is not to be confused with artificial intelligence as a product of a company in which investments are made. There are several providers on the market who consciously or unconsciously conceal this aspect in their fund offering. They talk about AI funds - but by this they merely mean that they have launched themed funds, i.e. that the companies in the portfolio use AI. At ACATIS, we use AI directly as portfolio managers and are continuously developing it further.

Artificial intelligence offers tools that provide foresight, comparable to radar and GPS. Even a tradition-conscious captain would probably not want to do without it in the fog today.

We are not waiting for the future, we are working on it. Join us.

Videos on topic

ACATIS AI Global Equities, Kevin Endler, ACATIS Investment

NextGen Conference, June 27, 2023

ACATIS AI US Equities, Dr. Eric Endress, ACATIS Investment

NextGen Conference, June 27, 2023