About us
ACATIS Investment Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH is one of the leading value managers in the German-speaking world. Its aim is to create value for its investors through active management and to outperform purely passive or trend-orientated strategies over the long term.
ACATIS' investment role models are Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger, who died shortly before his hundredth birthday in November 2023. Since its foundation in 1994, ACATIS has invested according to the value investing style that these three investors have significantly shaped. Dr Hendrik Leber, founder and Managing Director of ACATIS, was named Fund Manager of the Year 2017 by Finanzen Verlag for his work in the field of value investing.
ACATIS has further developed this style in recent years. This modern approach, which ACATIS refers to as “Buffett 2.0”, involves analysing fundamental figures as well as assessing the future viability of a company's business model.
In the investment industry, ACATIS is also one of the pioneers in the use of artificial intelligence (AI). ACATIS has been conducting research in this area since 2014 in order to utilise it in portfolio management. The first practical application of artificial intelligence at ACATIS took place in 2016.
Sustainability is a major concern for ACATIS, both at company level and when investing. ACATIS offers several investment funds under Article 8 and three strict sustainability funds under Article 9 of the EU Disclosure Regulation. For 2025, all three Article 9 funds received the highest award of the FNG seal with three out of three stars. The independent sustainability seal of the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG) can provide guidance for investors who value social and environmental aspects as well as financial criteria in their investments. In 2022, ACATIS was recognised as the most sustainable investment boutique by the magazine €uro and Mountain View for the second time in a row.
ACATIS Value Event Fonds (Dutch subtitle)
31 October 2024
ACATIS Value Event Fonds (Spanish subtitle)
31 October 2024
- › Report on the state of the economy Feb/2025 by Prof. Lars P. Feld, University Freiburg and Walter Eucken Institute
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Introducing ACATIS
Hendrik Leber presents the vision of ACATIS Investment, explains the founding of the company, and the concept of value investing.
He emphasizes the use of AI analysis and the commitment to sustainable investments.
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