Press release
ACATIS Investment launches new equity fund
ACATIS Small Diamonds focuses on solid second-line stocks
Fund name co-determined by previous customer survey
As of today, 13 December 2024, investors can invest in ACATIS Investment's new equity fund, ACATIS Small Diamonds. The name of the new fund was largely determined by our customers, who were able to vote on suggestions in an online survey and clearly favoured this name.
In the new ACATIS Small Diamonds, portfolio manager David Houdek CFA invests in around 40 to 60 shares, most of which are to come from the small and mid-cap segment. To this end, he searches worldwide for high-quality companies outside the limelight of the big and well-known names. The investable investment universe of small and mid-caps (market capitalisation of less than EUR 5 billion) in the industrialised nations is ten times larger than that of large and mega caps, totalling around 20,000. ‘Smaller stocks are covered by less research and therefore often receive less attention. That's why we see good opportunities in this area to find attractive and rather unknown stocks, our small diamonds, through active management,’ says fund manager Houdek.
Dr Hendrik Leber, Managing Partner, explains the timing of the launch of ACATIS Small Diamonds: ‘In recent years, many market participants have focussed primarily on large caps. In our view, there is now a clear need to catch up with smaller companies, which could last for several years. In addition to the timelessly attractive fund concept of ACATIS Small Diamonds, we currently see this as an additional advantage.’
In keeping with proven ACATIS tradition, securities are selected according to the principles of value investing. In addition to solid fundamentals, the company's business model and good corporate governance are decisive selection criteria. It is important that the companies continuously generate profits and steadily increase their own enterprise value with an attractive return on capital. Such companies are also known as compounders.
The portfolio is put together using a multi-stage bottom-up approach, whereby the individual stocks are weighted in a balanced manner and held for the long term. Due to the intended long-term orientation of the portfolio, a comparatively low turnover rate is envisaged.
ACATIS Small Diamonds is actively managed independently of a benchmark. The fund is generally fully invested and starts with one retail and one institutional share class.
Further information on ACATIS Small Diamonds can be found on the fund page.