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Article 8 Funds

Our sustainable Article 8 funds

ACATIS AI Global Equities

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ACATIS Aktien Global Fonds

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ACATIS Global Value Total Return

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ACATIS Value Event Fonds

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ACATIS Value und Dividende

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Our sustainability approach for the Article 8 funds

With the entry into force of the EU Disclosure Regulation at the beginning of 2021, we have set ourselves the goal of offering our customers a further product category in addition to our proven ACATIS Fair Value sustainability approach. This fulfils fundamental sustainability criteria in an authentic manner and is aimed at a broad investor audience who wish to take a ‘conventional’ level of sustainability into account in their investments.

In accordance with the Disclosure Regulation, our funds classified under Article 8 advertise social and environmental characteristics, which are ensured by specific selection criteria.

In order to ensure a high level of transparency and comparability, we have aligned our sustainability criteria with the sustainability concept of the German Investment and Asset Management Association (BVI) and supplemented them with the most important findings from our own comprehensive customer survey.

Our approach is based on a two-stage process that comprises both a series of exclusion criteria with different turnover thresholds (e.g. armaments, coal, factory farming, animal testing or tobacco) and a standards-based screening. This screening covers gross violations of the UNGC guidelines (United Nation Global Compact) as well as serious controversies in areas such as environmental pollution, impairment of biodiversity or the release of toxic substances.

Similar to a TÜV sticker for cars, we thus ensure that our funds classified under Article 8 have an authentic minimum level of sustainability, while the actual investment concept of the fund (e.g. global value stocks) remains untouched.