Our sustainable Article 9 funds
ACATIS Fair Value Aktien Global
ACATIS Fair Value Deutschland ELM
ACATIS Fair Value Modulor Vermögens-verwaltungsfonds

For the tenth time in a row, our sustainable ACATIS Fair Value funds have received the FNG Seal from the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG), first time with 3 stars.
What is Fair - how does our sustainability process for the Article 9 funds work?
Our strict ACATIS Fair Value sustainability approach is constantly being optimised. We have been working closely with the research agency imug / Moodys ESG Solutions for more than 15 years. We currently analyse around 11,000 companies worldwide, and the trend is rising. Our sustainability process consists of a total of six active filters.
The exclusion rate is currently over 75%.
- The first filter comprises standards-based screening. The main focus here is on whether the company complies with the requirements of the UN Global Compact, e.g. no abusive child labour or respect for human rights. In the case of the ACATIS Fair Value funds, this screening is not only carried out at company level, but also within the entire supply chain.
- The second filter contains very important exclusion criteria that we do not tolerate under any circumstances, e.g. strategic armaments or fossil fuels. Any share of a company's turnover in these business areas leads to immediate exclusion.
- The third exclusion filter generally concerns sectors that we only tolerate to a very low percentage of 5% so as not to exclude any other sectors. An example of this would be gambling. A total exclusion would also affect a large proportion of media and telecommunications companies.
- The third filter is the classic ESG filter. Here we determine who is best in class in the areas of environment, social and corporate governance. The results are recorded in the so-called ESG score. In our sustainability approach, we expect not only a clearly positive ESG score but also a corresponding improvement over the years. However, this ESG filter, which is now widely used, has the disadvantage that the data analysed only relates to the past. At the time of the evaluation, we therefore do not know how the company has aligned itself for the future.
- This is where the SDG filter introduced in 2019 comes in. It looks at whether the company is making a contribution to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These important goals are intended to ensure a future worth living for both us and future generations.
- As sustainable development is progressing and the SDG contributions for companies have increased significantly in recent years, we have introduced the sixth filter. This filters out the companies that actually have sustainable products and services (SGS) that help us to achieve the 17 goals.
Once a company has passed all the filters, it is included in our sustainability universe, which currently consists of around 2,600 stocks. The fund management of the various ACATIS Fair Value funds can then choose freely from this.
In addition to the companies, 179 countries also go through our sustainability process, 42 of which are then investable. Other criteria apply here. Among other things, we look at the possession of nuclear weapons, the use of the death penalty and the Corruption Perceptions Index.
We are facing serious economic, social and ecological challenges. To address these challenges, the United Nations has defined globally applicable priorities and targets until the year 2030 on the basis of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They represent a unique opportunity for moving the world towards a sustainable future. Governments around the world have already committed to these targets. Now it is time for businesses to implement the relevant measures so that the targets can be met by the year 2030.
Ending global poverty is the top item on this list of 17 targets. This includes the fight against hunger and access to clean water. Other important targets include improving infrastructure, enforcing gender equality, peace and security, health care, sustainable consumer behaviour, climate protection and the protection of the world's oceans. In addition, all children worldwide shall have access to free elementary school education.
Further information on our ACATIS Fair Value funds can be found on the website of our investment advisor Fair Value Investment.