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ACATIS Datini Valueflex Fonds

Global balanced fund, aggressive

Investment philosophy

The aim of the fund is to exploit investment opportunities situatively and opportunistically. The degree to which the fund is invested is extremely flexible and can range from zero to 100%. The value approach is foremost but applies not only to equities but to all asset classes. In principle, the investment horizon is long term. However, the outlook for the different asset classes and sub-segments is reviewed at regular intervals. Investments are then executed on the basis of target funds or a basket of individual securities. Derivatives can be used to increase the potential rewards or to reduce risk. If no clear opportunities are discernible, the fund can maintain high levels of cash for prolonged periods.

Product data

Investment CompanyACATIS Investment
CustodianUBS Europe SE, FFM
Investment categoryBalanced Funds
Fiscal year end31.10.

Key data

Share class A

Repurchase price749,24 EUR (17.02.2025)
Security code numberA0RKXJ
DistributionDividends distributed
Date of inceptionDecember 22, 20
Front end fee6%
Minimum Investment1,000,000 Euro for initial investment
Permission for public distributionGermany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Spain

Share class B

Repurchase price207,00 EUR (17.02.2025)
Security code numberA1H72F
DistributionDividends reinvested
Date of inceptionApril 15, 2011
Front end fee5%
Minimum Investmentnone
Permission for public distributionGermany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Spain

Share class X

Repurchase price109,39 EUR (17.02.2025)
Security code numberA2QSGT
DistributionDividends reinvested
Date of inceptionJuly 26, 2021
Front end fee0%
Minimum Investmentnone
Permission for public distributionGermany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Spain

Fund Video



1st place over 5 and 10 years (B)


Daily Report
Share class A
Share class B
Share class X
Monthly Report
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Share class B
Share class X
KIID in English or German
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Share class B
Share class X
Share class A
Share class B
Share class X
Share class A
Share class B
Share class X
Yield Triangle
Share class A
Opportunities / Risks
Semi-Annual Report
Annual Report
Share class B
Share class A
Share class B
Share class X
Share class A
Share class B
Share class X
Share class B
Performance Scenarios
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Share class B
Share class X
Presentation of past performance (KID) NL
Share class A
Share class B
Share class X
Presentation of past performance (KID) EN
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Share class B
Share class X
Presentation of past performance (KID) ESP
Share class A
Share class B
Share class X