Head Office Germany
Telefon: +49 - 69 - 97 58 37 77
Fax: +49 - 69 - 97 58 37 99
E-Mail: anfragen@~@acatis.de
We can be reached by phone from Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 o'clock.
Postal address:
ACATIS Investment KVG mbH
Taunusanlage 18
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main
How to find us
Branch Switzerland
Telefon: +41 - 71 - 886 45 52
E-Mail: info@~@acatis.ch
We can be reached by phone during normal business hours.
Postal address:
ACATIS Investment KVG mbH
Geschäftsstelle Walzenhausen
Güetli 166
CH-9428 Walzenhausen (AR)